Mark Your Calendars for CMAA Focus21
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Mark Your Calendars for CMAA Focus21
April 12 – 15, 2021
CMAA Focus21 is a suite of four, virtual events each focused on one of the four stages or roles within the profession: students; early-career professionals; professional CMs and CCMs leading teams, projects, or programs; and senior executive leaders.
F21: First Job; First Steps
F21: First Job; First Steps is a one-day event for students preparing to graduate and begin their CM careers. Live education sessions will focus on the Capstone foundation and the CMIT program.
April 12
F21: Future Leaders
F21: Future Leaders is a two-day event for early-career professionals who have been in the profession for five years or less. Live education sessions will focus on CMIT L2-L4 topics.
April 12 & 13
F21: Critical Path Professionals
F21: Critical Path Professionals is a two-day event for professional CMs and CCMs leading teams, projects, and programs. Live education sessions will address core responsibilities of professional CMs, but also business development, financial management, contracts, owner-CM relationships, and alternative delivery methods.
April 13 & 14
F21: Senior Leaders Summit
F21: Senior Leaders Summit is a one-day event for leaders responsible for strategic decision-making across an organization. Live sessions with thought leaders will address topics like the economy, infrastructure spending, technology, global supply chains, and the post-Covid environment for the A/E/C industry.
April 15
Our Mission is to promote the profession of construction management and the use of qualified construction managers on projects and programs.
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